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Maureen Flaherty

Executive Vice President
Chief Marketing Officer
Customer Experience Officer



What does a good day at work look like to you?

There are so many good days at Kennebunk Savings. The people here are simply fantastic to work with and there is always a tremendous amount of interesting work going on. When I have the opportunity to collaborate, work through a challenging situation or just sit and laugh with the people here, for me that makes a great day. I am really grateful to have so many of these kinds of days at Kennebunk Savings.

What do you like best about the culture at Kennebunk Savings? Which one of our brand values (Integrity, Empathy, Proactive, Trust) resonates most strongly for you?

First things first – the culture at Kennebunk Savings is very special. I have had the opportunity to work in a lot of different environments over the course of my career and I can say without hesitation that the culture here is rarefied air. The people here are genuine and have a guttural sense of wanting to help each other and our community. It is an amazing feeling to be part of team when you know that everyone around you is willing to support you and will also roll up their sleeves to help you in any way they can. To a tee, you see this at every level of this organization. For me, empathy is the value that resonates most with me day today. Practicing it has helped me be a better person.

What’s an important lesson you’ve learned in your career?

To always trust my gut. It has served me well. When I’ve tried to ignore it, I have regretted it every time.

What living person do you most admire?

My mom

What words or phrases do you most overuse?

Be kind to yourself; let’s not boil the ocean; we should noodle on that; no worries; yay!

What would you consider your greatest achievement or moment of greatest impact?

Professionally, I have had the privilege of mentoring and managing so many talented people. It is incredibly gratifying and humbling to have played a small part in their life as I see how they’ve continued on to do great things in this world.

What do you love about your community?

I love that you actually get to know your neighbors here. There is a close-knit feeling and there are a lot of opportunities to step up to help and to make a difference for the whole community. And I love having the beach close by!

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