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Auto Insurance
in ME & NH

You’re protecting more than your car. You’re protecting the people who drive it, too. We’ll help you create an affordable policy with coverage that promises peace of mind every time you or a family member gets behind the wheel.

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Accidents happen — protect yourself with the right policy

For when you’re responsible for an accident:

  • Bodily injury: When you have to cover medical costs because of injuries to the other driver or a bystander, this insurance covers you.
  • Property damage: An accident will damage the other person’s car. But this will also cover someone’s fence, home, or building.


Other scenarios, like when you’re involved but not necessarily responsible:

  • Collision: Accidents don’t always involve another vehicle. This type of coverage protects you when an object like a tree is involved.
  • Comprehensive: You know those things you never think will happen but just do? This covers you. So, the cracks in the windshield, or the tree that falls on your car while it’s parked, the smashed window in a break-in, or a fire.
  • Uninsured/Underinsured: Not everybody on the road carries insurance, and if you’re involved in an accident with one of them, that means you could still get stuck with the bill. This insurance covers you.

Understand your auto insurance

Go in-depth about what your auto insurance could include, the costs, and why it might be the right choice for you.


  • Mandatory? Yes, almost every state requires drivers to include it in their policy.
  • Why do you need it? You’ll want coverage if you’re responsible for an accident that unfortunately injures others and requires you to pay their medical costs.
  • What does it cover? Medical costs, hospital bills, nursing care, or lost earnings.
  • Coverage amounts? State laws differ as to how much you’re required to carry. Insurance Professionals recommend you carry at least $100,000 per person and $300,000 per occurrence – commonly expressed as “100/300.”
  • Mandatory? Yes, most states require this.
  • Why do you need it? If you’re responsible for an accident that damages someone else’s property and are required to cover the costs of repair or replacement, you’ll need this insurance.
  • What does it cover? Examples include damage to another person’s car, a building, a fence, or a utility pole.
  • Coverage amounts? 50,000 is typical but higher options are available depending on your needs.
  • Mandatory? It depends. If you’re leasing or financing your car, your lender may require you to carry this coverage to protect its collateral.
  • Why do you need it? In case you’re involved in an accident with something besides another car, like a tree or a fire hydrant this coverage repairs the damage to your vehicle
  • What does it cover? Collision insurance helps pay to repair or replace your vehicle if it’s damaged.
  • Mandatory? Most states do require this.
  • Why do you need it? Don’t get stuck with the bill when you’re in an accident, and the person who caused it doesn’t have insurance or doesn’t have enough to cover the damage to your car—or your medical costs.
  • What does it cover? It’s designed to fill the gap between your costs and the other driver’s ability to pay. For example, the driver may pay 25% of the damage, but your policy will pay the remaining 75%.

Auto Insurance FAQs

Is it possible for me to reduce my rates?

Yes! Every insurer appreciates good drivers who make an effort to take safety precautions, and if that’s you, they will reward you for it. Catch up on a few ways to activate savings:

  • Purchase a vehicle with a good safety rating. We’ll thank you with a discount.
  • Any hard-working students in your family? There’s a “good student” discount that lowers rates.
  •  Brush up on your driver’s education course or defensive driving skills. Anybody on your policy can do this, and the discount will apply. For example, if you’re a newly married couple on a shared policy, you might have unequal driving skills. This could benefit you.
  • Request a higher deductible. This could reduce your monthly payment and reduce rates overall.
  • Driving an older car? Maybe you don’t need all that coverage. Call us to see, and it could lower your rate.
  • The less you drive, the more the discount. For example, if your commute is only 25 miles to work each day, you could qualify for a discount.

Call and ask our agent about these and more discount opportunities.

How could adding drivers to my policy affect my rates?

Driving experience matters!

Teenagers lack driving experience, and that makes them more expensive to insure. The fix: A driver’s education course.

An adult’s driving experience can also affect rates significantly. If you haven’t been driving since age 16 or don’t have a clean record, you’re perceived as a higher risk, and so you’ll have higher rates.

The fix to reduce rates: A defensive driving course or working to clean up your driving record.

How could rates vary for different cars?

Rates aren’t just about the cost of a car. They are about how likely it is for a vehicle to be damaged, vandalized, or stolen. Insurance companies group vehicles into categories according to these criteria based on data, then evaluate the size and type of vehicle, and the value and cost of repairs. Even cars that cost the same could show variable when it comes to repairs.

An example: The costs to repair a bumper on a Mercedes versus a bumper on a Hyundai Elantra vary because the cost of the parts are different with each manufacturer

Every insurer considers the vehicle safety factor, too. The performance record in safety tests and real accidents determines safety, so research vehicles to understand their safety records and your insurer reward you.

Can where I live affect my premium?

Yes. Data shows that where you live (or, more specifically, where you keep your car) could increase the likelihood of having an accident or becoming a victim of theft or vandalism. Insurers consider these factors. So, a vehicle owner in Portland, Maine pays a higher rate than the owner of an identical vehicle in York, Maine.

Based on industry research, other factors that could affect regional insurance rates include:

  • Time and efficiency of police response and law enforcement.
  • Local road and traffic conditions.
  • Litigation rates in a given area, including how many lawsuits are filed, go to trial, are settled out of court, and for how much.

Coverage, what influences it & what’s included:

Can insurance policies cover me if I loan my car to someone else?

Yes, you can have peace of mind when you lend your car to a friend. Liability and coverage for physical damage (i.e., comprehensive and collision) always follow your car. So, if that friend has an accident, you’re still protected against the cost of damages or injuries.

Can insurance policies cover me from natural disasters or unexpected events?

Yes, if you have comprehensive insurance. That covers you for fire, theft, damage by flood, earthquake, hail and other natural perils. If you have a particular concern, contact one of our agents for information on specific coverages.

Can insurance policies cover if I drive a classic car?

You might need a special insurance policy that handles coverage of rare and valuable property. Since a classic car usually can’t be replaced, you and one of our insurance professionals would need to create a customized policy. If you have a particular concern, please contact one of our agents



Want to talk about your insurance options?

You can request a quote now or give us a call to discuss your options at 1-800-794-2941.