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Live your life —
we’ll focus on the banking part.

Explore our Checking and Savings account options

At Kennebunk Savings, we want to make banking simple. That’s why we do everything we can to make our checking and savings accounts convenient and tailored to your personal needs. After all, this is about you.


Get the breakdown

Checking Accounts

This is for everyday spending. If you want to deposit money that you plan on a regularly accessing, a checking account is the way to go.
• Easy online enrollment
• Real-time account and fraud alerts
• Person to person payments
• Mobile check deposit, online bill pay and more!*

Savings Accounts

This is about your future. From “maybe one day” purchases to retiring on your terms, our savings accounts are here to help you and your money stay on track.
• Easy online enrollment
• Secure online and mobile access to accounts*
• Ability to set alerts to keep you on track
• Additional savings options to fit your personal goals, such as IRAs and CDs

Ready to get started?

Not sure what you need?
We’re here to help.

Set up a time to call or meet with us for personalized one-on-one support.

*Online and mobile banking terms and conditions will apply; Messaging and data rates may apply.